A PE Specialist in relation to Primary School Level is not necessarily a school teacher.
A school teacher can teach up to 14 subjects!
During their training, PE is very much seen by the government as a less important subject.
Why Physical Education is important in early years
Recent studies show that a child’s key physical development is between 4-9 years of age.
We need to capture them at this crucial age:
- Feed them with inspiring PE lessons
- Set the essential PE foundations (e.g. movement, receiving, catching winning and losing)
- Introduce them to sporting values and give them positive experiences
If not, how can we change them at secondary school when their mindset is fixed in a negative state towards PE?
This is not a swipe at teachers at all, but unfortunately, the system is letting them down!
Teachers are not required to hold any NGB Qualification to deliver PE. This means that a primary school qualified teacher could be teaching your child:
- Gymnastics, Football, Tag Rugby
- Writing a PE curriculum
- Taking on the PE coordinator role
- Manage the school teams at competitions
All this without having received the correct training. What’s the solution?
Why training is important
To deliver a PE curriculum including various sports, your coach/teacher needs to have relevant and accredited qualifications to offer the PE curriculum your school desires.
‘Appropriate qualifications — the minimum qualification, recommended by the National Partners, for a coach or professional working in a primary school context is considered to be a UKCC level 2 coaching qualifications or equivalent’
Our specialist sports coaches at Get Active Sports have these necessary qualifications.
Maybe teachers need more support and CPD in PE.
Maybe primary schools should have a PE specialist/coach or a full-time teacher providing all sports.
Get Active Sports can help! For more information, please contact us on 01344 860868 or office@getactivesports.com