Tom Kerridge joins Get Active’s holiday camp for a special cooking lesson in support of his ‘Full Time Meals’ Campaign with Marcus Rashford.

Tom’s Full Time Meals campaign states ‘Marcus has been doing a phenomenal job in shining a bright light on the nation’s child poverty issue and continues to fight for systematic change and Government support. His formation of the Child Food Poverty Taskforce has brought together the biggest players in the British food industry, to stand united in finding a long-term sustainable framework to combat child food poverty across the UK.’

Here at Get Active we had the privilege of welcoming the Michelin Star celebrity chef Tom Kerridge to one of our holiday camps for a cooking lesson. Tom taught the kids how to make Coleslaw! Tom’s aim is to give children and families the confidence to cook meals in their own kitchens. Tom said in an interview with the BBC.

It’s goes beyond just cooking and looking after yourself, it’s a bigger picture, it’s a life skill, the understanding of ingredients and understanding healthy food and being able to provide for yourself.’

‘Understanding raw produce and how you can make it last, it all stands you in a much stronger position in later life’

The government have been funding children who are entitled to free school meals are now able to attend our Holiday Camps free of charge. Councilor Julie Ward from Buckinghamshire Council also attended the cooking session said ‘What would they be doing if they weren’t here today? That’s the thing the bear in mind, you can see just from walking into the school how much fun they are having, how engaged they are, they’re in contact with their peers as well and when you think about the year that they have had this contact is incredibly important’

Rob Sherwood, Director at Get Active Sports spoke to the BBC about how we support the scheme.

We give hot and cold food so there is a variety for the children, for some of these children it may be their only meal of the day and they will sometimes take food home as well’

This scheme is available until the end of the year, but we are really hoping that the government review this and extend it so no child has to ever wonder when their next meal will be.

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